So tonight our raid team is pretty hyped to be heading into Castle Nathria, having the majority of our main raiders received Beta!
You can check out what we get up to via Tapps Twitch Stream
First up is Hungering Destroyer Heroic

Tanks: Coordinate with your co-tank to manage [Growing Hunger]. Move away from the Hungering Destroyer when it casts [Consume].
Healers: [Gluttonous Miasma] prevents all healing received by the target. Coordinate with your allies to ensure those players remain healthy. Position yourself to avold hitting other players when targeted by [Volatile Eruption]. Move away from the Hungering Destroyer when it casts [Consume].
Damage Dealers: [Gluttonous Miasma] prevents all healing received by the target. Coordinate with your allies to ensure those players remain healthy. Position yourself to avold hitting other players when targeted by [Volatile Eruption]. Move away from the Hungering Destroyer when it casts [Consume].
Hungering Destroyer Boss Abilities
Gluttonous Miasma: Hungering energies surround the target reducing all healing received by 100% and inflicting 8 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 24 sec. In addition, the target leeches 4 health from all allies within 5 yards every 1 sec.In Mythic difficulties, players who share their health with the target of Gluttonous Miasma gain an application of Essence Sap.
Essence Sap: Increases the damage taken from Gluttonous Miasma by 15% for 20 sec. This effect stacks. (Mythic)
Consume: The Hungering Destroyer begins to devour all nearby energy, pulling players towards its location and leeching up to 20622 health from all players every 2 sec for 8 sec. Players farther from the Hungering Destroyer have less health leeched.
Expunge: The Hungering Destroyer causes each player to erupt inflicting 18559 Shadow damage to all nearby players. The size of the eruption is proportional to the target's missing health when the cast completes.In Heroic and Mythic difficulties, when Expunge detonates an Obliterating Rift is left at the target's location.
Volatile Ejection: The Hungering Destroyer chooses up to 3 players and unleashes a line of energy in each of their directions, inflicting 25 Shadow damage to all players in the effect. In addition, players hit by the effect take 500% increased damage from Volatile Ejection for 24 sec.
Desolate: Torrents of energy erupt from the Hungering Destroyer, inflicting 16497 Shadow damage to all players.
Overwhelm: The Hungering Destroyer smashes its current target, inflicting 49492 Physical damage.
Hungering Strikes: Each of the Hungering Destroyer's melee attacks leeches 13 health from the target.
Growing Hunger: With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, the damage of Hungering Strikes is increased by 8%. This effect stacks. When the Hungering Destroyer switches to a new target, Growing Hunger is reset.
And second on the nights agenda is Lady Inerva Darkvein Heroic

Overview: Lady Inerva Darkvein's abilities are directly linked to the anima levels of the containers. As they rise, the efficacy of her abilities increases. Players can lower the levels of the containers by using the anima release valves located around the playspace. Allowing any container to reach capacity will trigger a [Container Breach]
Tanks: Lady Inerva Darkveins' [Expose Desires] will alter your responsibilities as it gains power. Make sure to trigger [Change of Heart] away from your allies. Allies with [Shared Cognition] will take damage based off the damage you take from [Expose Desires].
Healers: Allies with [Shared Cognition] will take damage based off the damage the tank takes from [Expose Desires]. [Sins of the Past] constantly damage the nearest player until they are connected with [Life Link]. The raid continually suffers damage from [Loose Anima] in the chamber. This damage increases with each open container. If any container reaches capacity, a [Container Breach] occurs.
Damage Dealers: The raid continually suffers damage from [Loose Anima] in the chamber. This damage increases with each open container. If any container reaches capacity, a [Container Breach] occurs. [Bottled Anima] will trigger a burst of [Unleashed Volatility] if not caught. When you have [Shared Cognition], you take damage based off the damage the tank takes from [Expose Desires].
Lady Inerva Darkvein Boss Abilities
Primal Anima Containers: The anima level gradually rises in these containers until opened. If they reach full capacity, a [Container Breach]occurs. As the level of Primal Anima Container increases, Lady Inerva Darkvein's abilities gain new properties.
Container Breach: The Anima Container bursts, inflicting 16497 Shadow damage to all players.
Loose Anima: The loose anima in the room inflicts 412 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec.The amount of Loose Anima in the room increases with each open Primal Anima Container.
Expose Desires: The caster exposes the deepest desires of the target's heart, inflicting 24746 Shadow damage. The victim is afflicted with Warped Desires for 21 sec.When the Expose Desires container is at power level 2, Expose Desires copies it damage to other players via [Shared Cognition].
Shared Cognition: Damage dealt to the victim of Expose Desires is copied to targets with Shared Cognition applied.
Warped Desires: The victim suffers 57740 Shadow damage over 21 sec.When the Expose Desires container is at power level 3, a [Change of Heart] is triggered on expiration of [Warped Desires].
Change of Heart: Inflicts up to 28870 Shadow damage to all enemies within 100 yards. Targets that are further away from the epicenter suffer less damage.
Bottled Anima: The caster hurls out vials of bottled anima that inflict 16497 Shadow damage to all players within 3.5 yards of the impact.Each bottle will trigger [Unleashed Volatility] if not caught. When the Bottled Anima conatiner is at power level 3, each bottle will bounce and impact a second time.
Unleashed Volatility: Failing to catch the bottled anima before it hits the ground causes a massive explosion for 16497 Shadow damage to all players.
Lingering Anima: Creates a pool of Lingering Anima that will continually inflict 25 Shadow damage to all players within its confines.This ability only fires on impact when the Bottled Anima container is at power level 2 or greater.
Sins and Suffering: Extracts the past sins of random enemies at random locations. Sins of the Past inflict 5 Shadow damage to the nearest player every 3. Sins of the Past persist until they are simultaneously connected with the beams of Shared Suffering.When the Sins and Suffering container is at power level 2 or above, beams form between the Sins of the Past. When the Sins and Suffering container is at power level 3, the beams formed between Sins of the Past rotate.
Shared Suffering: The caster links the two targets together for 1 min. Linked targets and any other players caught between them suffer 5 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec.
Concentrate Anima: Lady Inerva Darkvein targets enemies at random and concentrates anima in their hearts. After 10 sec., the Concentrated Anima bursts as Unleashed Shadow.
Unleashed Shadow: 12373 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards of the target and summons an Anima Construct.When the Concentrated Anima container is at power level 2 or above, a pool of [Lingering Anima] forms at the victim's feet. When the Concentrated Anima container is at power level 3, Unleashed Shadow inflicts 120 Shadow damage divided evenly among all players within 8 yards.
Anima Constructs
Harnessed Specter: This creature is sessile and constantly inflicts its victims with Unconscionable Guilt
Unconscionable Guilt: Burdens the target with unconscionable guilt, inflicting 20622 Shadow damage. The victim has their Shadow damage taken increased by 10% for 15 sec.
Conjured Manifestation: Continually Condemns the raid.
Condemn: Inflicts 20622 Shadow damage to all enemies.
We will be making the most of all raid testing in preparation for live. To keep up to date with what we are up to, sign up to the website and don't forget to hit us up on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
